
Susan Miller

Instant Clients Guide

Need clients today? Grab this guide to give you ideas with step-by-step instructions!


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Instant Clients???? 😮😏😏😏 Is that even possible?

Well, not quite actually.

But this is as close to it as I’ve ever seen something.

I’m literally giving you all the best ideas straight out of my brains & from lots of research!! Because I believe that getting clients doesn’t have to be THAT difficult. You simply need to find the person who’s starving for what you have & offer him food he loves.

Now, you simply need to find those starving people & get it in front of them & give them a reason to buy your service right away!


I’m outlining 13 different strategies in this Instant Clients Guide to show you exactly what I would do it I needed cash right now! If you ever have any questions about any of it, just hit the Chat button here on the website & it’ll open a WhatsApp chat where you can ask me directly!!

Need clients today? Grab this guide to give you ideas with step-by-step instructions!


CAUTION——I created this Instant Clients Guide to use *AFTER* you’ve already put together a GRAND-SLAM offer, one that even your worst enemy would buy if they had the same problem as your ideal clients. I DO NOT recommend you use these strategies if your offer is generic or incomplete. Doing so will only hinder your efforts later, once you’ve finished putting together your offer, because these folks will already have a bad image of your brand.


If your offers  are still generic & you aren’t sure how to put together a real offer, make sure to book a VIP Offer Creation Session with me! Use code 7U7GYH7S to get $50 off your purchase!


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Customer Reviews


I enjoyed getting to know Susan, connecting with her, & the insights she gave me. My time in these 5 sessions with her has been much-needed & valuable. If you need someone to sort through your goals, bring clarity to your vision & help you find your way through social media and marketing, I highly recommend Susan.


Exuberance! Susan enriched our discovery meeting with a joyful smile that carried through the meeting. Susan challenged me to look at my research in a different light. Since difficulties in narrowing my options originally connected Susan and me, these new options provide a viable source for wisely selecting the best path on which to step.

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