Susan Miller

About Susan

Hi! I’m Susan, the dramatic, sarcastic and sometimes nerdy woman who wrote what you just read! In case you wondered, here’s a bit about me. 

   I live in Ohio with my flat-out amazing husband Alan! He’s the one who gets to experience the dirty dishes, unswept house and unfolded laundry that happens sometimes when I’m too “busy” doing my own thing! God knew I needed a man who believed in my abilities and dreams! Fortunately for him, he’s also the one who gets to do life with me, teach me how to hunt, and tease me!! 🥰

 My passion for reaching out to those who are struggling was born out of my own pain. As a young woman, I dealt with serious uncertainties and insecurities in my life. I didn’t know who I was. I didn’t know what I was capable of. I didn’t know how many people’s lives I could impact. 

Until I set out to become independent. I would rely on no one’s acceptance of me. With God, I was enough on my own. I didn’t need anyone else. I didn’t need a husband… (Never mind Alan destroyed that plan. Lol…Today I’m glad, like, really glad!! 🥰) I didn’t need anyone to believe in me. I Believed In Who I Was Meant To Be! I  set out on my own, bound to prove my value to the world, by proving it to myself. 

I was working a full-time job and doing some mentoring on the side, until BAM! My world was turned upside down when my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I took an indefinite leave from work to be her caretaker.

   9 months later, we were told her days are numbered. Alan and I were planning to be married 5 months later, but instead got married right away. 10 days after our wedding, my mom was gone. At the tender age of 23, I was now a motherless woman. My heart was broken and I was lost. After 9 months of caring for her, I had no purpose left. What do I do now?

 A month later, I dug up my dreams again to positively impact women in some way. My insecurity was gone. I knew I could do anything I set my mind to..(which means you can too …)   God brought those dreams to fruition when he gave me the vision for what is now a hub of support & resources for women who want to make a living from home, either to simply contribute to the household income or to pursue their dreams! 

Today my greatest joy from this business is seeing you succeed & hearing your new-found hope for your business growth!!


I can’t wait to meet you in-person & cheer you on!

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