
Susan Miller

Direct Messaging Guide

Want to use the DM’s on social media to find new clients & connect with them, but you don’t know how to start the conversations or take them to the pitch?

No more excuses! Download the Direct Messaging Guide & use it to guide all your DM conversations from now on!


Quick Checkout


The Direct Messaging Guide takes you from the first “Hello!” to here’s what I do & here’s how I can help you without any awkward, sleazy, pushy sales tactics!! Using this strategy, you’ll be making new friends who love hearing from you & love to support your business, as well as new clients!! Networking doesn’t have to be difficult, it just takes the right approach to keep it from getting awkward for either party.

We all hate when people inbox us & just dump their offer into our inbox in the first message, right?? I sure hate it! And it feels terrible doing it to others, ’cause you know they’ll resent you for it as well! So, let’s do better & build a supportive network, not a resentful one!!!


Download the Direct Messaging Guide & use it to guide all your DM conversations from now on!


Yeah, go download it. It’s actually free, so you’ve got no excuse!! 😎




You’re still reading? What are waiting for?



Nope, no one else is going to come do it for you….Just do it..😉




That’s it.😍


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Customer Reviews


I enjoyed getting to know Susan, connecting with her, & the insights she gave me. My time in these 5 sessions with her has been much-needed & valuable. If you need someone to sort through your goals, bring clarity to your vision & help you find your way through social media and marketing, I highly recommend Susan.


Exuberance! Susan enriched our discovery meeting with a joyful smile that carried through the meeting. Susan challenged me to look at my research in a different light. Since difficulties in narrowing my options originally connected Susan and me, these new options provide a viable source for wisely selecting the best path on which to step.

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