
Susan Miller

$100M Offers Book

This book is the Ultimate Book of creating the BEST offers!

The Offers Section in my course, LinkedIn For Leads is based on these principles, but I’ve taken it a step further & created all sorts of tools & AI prompts to help you create your Grand-Slam Offer even quicker!

I can’t recommend this book enough!!


This book is the Ultimate Book of creating the BEST offers!

The Offers Section in my course, LinkedIn For Leads is based on these principles, but I’ve taken it a step further & created all sorts of tools & AI prompts to help you create your Grand-Slam Offer even quicker!

I can’t recommend this book enough!!


What more is there to say? This is THE go-to guide!!!!!! The only author whose books I follow closely, because it’s not some schemey stuff or manipulation, it’s just pure strategy, simple, step-by-step tactics!!


You wouldn’t be seeing all this great stuff on my website, if I hadn’t followed the advice in these books, they’re worth their weight in gold!!

Don’t miss out on this amazing book – it’s literally my only go-to & it’s well worth the money!


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Customer Reviews


I enjoyed getting to know Susan, connecting with her, & the insights she gave me. My time in these 5 sessions with her has been much-needed & valuable. If you need someone to sort through your goals, bring clarity to your vision & help you find your way through social media and marketing, I highly recommend Susan.


Exuberance! Susan enriched our discovery meeting with a joyful smile that carried through the meeting. Susan challenged me to look at my research in a different light. Since difficulties in narrowing my options originally connected Susan and me, these new options provide a viable source for wisely selecting the best path on which to step.

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